Magic |
Description |
How to Obtain |
Returns you to your Return Point. Uses ALL magic points. |
You start the game with this spell. |
Recovers health points. |
Village of Gale |
Puts up a shield that blocks 1 normal attack for each level of the spell. (Level 5 blocks 5 attacks.) |
Village of Gale |
Slows your enemy and deals damage equal to your magic power. |
Village of Gale |
Causes small amounts of damage each second that it is active. Also deals immediate damage equal to your magic power. Each level adds 100 seconds of burn time. (Removes Chill from enemy.) |
Silvan Hollow |
Reduces the strength of your enemy. (Level 1 reduces 1 strength point.) |
Silvan Hollow |
Slowly increases your health. (Wears off when your health is full.) |
Guyan Temple (Large treasure chest) |
Takes health from your enemy and gives it to you. |
Mines of Mutrovia (Large treasure chest) |
Slowly increases your magic. (Wears off when your health is full.) |
Edelston |
Can deal massive damage. Increases your attacker's speed. Damage dealt = Bolt level x magic power x 2 |
Edelston |
Temporarily slows your enemy's attacks. (Also deals immediate damage.)
Temple of Harrakoth (Large treasure chest) |
Doubles your next attack. (Level 5 will boost next 5 attacks.)
Ry'Nolus |
Takes magic points from your enemy and adds it to your own. |
Ry'Nolus |
Prevents your enemy from casting its next spell. (Level 5 prevents 5 spells.) |
Mal Morra (Large treasure chest) |
Allows you to walk over spikes and poison tiles without being harmed. |
Dropped by: Ice Sage (10% chance) Snow Squire (2% chance) |
Instantly transports you to any trans crystal you've touched. |
Lenora Quest: Lenora's Spell Book Where: Silvan Hollow |
Poisons your attacker. Lasts the length of the battle. |
Du'Skolz (Battle table: Guyan) 4% chance it will drop upon victory. |
Deals damange equal to your magic attack. Instantly reduces your attacker's speed to 1. |
Mount Morius (Battle table: Mal Morra) 4% chance it will drop upon victory. |
Wacky Warp
Transports you somewhere random. |
Underground: Boyer Woodlands |
Fire Wall
Burns your attacker when they hit you. |
Complete Quest: Flames of Brymsol |
Transports you back to a spot that you picked. (Use the skill of MEMORIZE to set a new spot.) |
Legion Headquarters South: 8, East: 3 |
Removes all ailments (poison & chill).
Level 2: Also adds regen effect.
Level 3: Also adds refresh effect.
Level 4: Also forbids one spell from your attacker.
Level 5: Also adds 1 block effect.
Legion Stone Store South: 9, East: 3 Cost: 50 Legion stones |
Speeds up your walking pace. (Each level of haste increases your speed by a factor of 1.) |
Elite Supplies Shop (Quest: Busted) Cost: 75 Legion stones |
Increases attack speed (+1 for every level your zeal is upgraded.)
Defeat Fryt (Battle Table: Harrakoth) 4% drop rate |
Revives you once you are defeated.
The Shayde Crypt Shayde Jallom Trades for 300 ragestones and 10 aurastones. |
Instantly transport to a dungeon you have previously entered.
Grotto of Sages Treasure Chest (2 keys needed) |
Adds time to the doom counter or an attacker's special attack progress bar. The higher the level of this spell, the more time that is added.
Shayde Jikan Shayde Crypt Basement 3,333 rages stones |
Level 1: Boost + Zeal Level 2: Regen + Refresh Level 3: Guard Level 4: +50% experience Level 5: Attack Bonus Meter x2
Sir Stalwarg 3% chance of drop |
Contact for additional information about attaining magic. |