Skill |
Description |
How to Obtain |
View a map of Solterra. |
Village of Gale Cost: 10 gold |
Allows you to dig for gold or other treasures. |
Level 3 |
Removes poison and heals a small amount of health. |
Level 6 |
Run away from most attackers during battle. (This rarely works on bosses or powerful foes.) |
Level 9 |
Instantly attack a nearby foe. |
Level 12 |
Grants a better chance for finding items. Also grants a better chance for strong hits in battle. Lasts 2 minutes. |
Level 17 |
Swaps your current health and magic points. |
Level 21 |
Helps you find gold, diamonds, and other valuables. (Especially after battle and when bombing things.) |
Level 26 |
Once activated, your HP and MP will increase slowly until you move or are attacked. |
Level 32 |
Causes your foe to not act for a moment. At times, it may stop your foe from casting a spell. |
Robyn (West of Gale) |
Lets you walk faster for 1 minute. |
Theo Quest: Don't Be Late! Where: Northeast of Gale |
Reduces the chance that you will be attacked. (Lasts 2 minutes.) |
Nero Quest: Item Finder. Where: Mines of Mutrovia |
Puts up a protective barrier that blocks 100 points of physical attacks. (This skill can be upgraded in the Mines of Mutrovia) |
Mount Morius (Battle table: Mal Moria) 8% chance you will learn this upon victory. |
Allows you to take back stolen items from attackers. |
Silent Echo (Mines of Mutrovia) He will teach you this once you reach trial 3 in the quest, The Ninja Test |
Greatly reduces chances of being attacked. Allows you to dodge 25% of attackers normal attacks. Attack bonus will always result in a triple hit! Lasts about 2 minutes. |
Silent Echo (Mines of Mutrovia) Complete the 5 trials of the quest, The Ninja Test |
Divides attackers health points in half! Only works if you are in ninja-mode. Can only be used once per battle. |
Silver Scar (Brymsol) |
Allows you to switch Legions without reporting to Legion Headquarters. |
Legion Headquarters South: 8, East: 3 |
Sets a new spot for the magic spell of RETRACE. |
Ransford West of Lake Ollusara |
Creates a clone during battle that will confuse your attacker. |
Hollow Wind Underground, north of Edelston |
Instantly fills attack bonus gauge. |
Ry'Nolus Quest: Oein's Dream |
Helps find your hunting target. Hunting level: Amateur (Success is based on your current accuracy.) |
Hunting Lodge 40 Legion stones |
Resets any completed hunts. Hunting level: Amateur
Hunting Lodge 120 Legion stones |
Displays weakness of some enemies. (Currently only needed for 3 bosses.) |
Unbroken Canyons Eastern Island |
Skill points are earned during battle. You earn 1 skill point for every math problem you answer correctly. |
Contact for additional information about attaining rings. |